Tea & A Good Book Brewing- Installment 30, A Long Walk To Water

There are two things I cannot even begin to imagine:

  1. walking for hours every day just to procure enough water for survival...
  2. being alone in the world and separated from all your family members...
Both of these scenarios are played out in parallel stories in A Long Walk To Water, by Linda Sue Park.

Based on a true story, this book is both vivid and moving, and while it may be written with a juvenile audience in mind, it certainly has a message worth reading for adults as well. 

Reading about Salva brings this question to mind: how much can one human endure?

Salva, a young boy in Southern Sudan, was in school one day when gunfire sounded nearby. It was rebel fighters, and the teacher sent his charges into bush and away from their homes, knowing that the rebels would be invading the villages.

Salva fled into the bush and it would be years before he would see his family again.

The hardships, losses and starvation that Salva endured while fleeing for his life are appalling and terrible, and through it all I got a picture again of how senseless and wasteful fighting and war really are.

Salva became known as one of the lost boys of Sudan, and the way he lost his home and family, along with thousands of others, makes it hard to see that any good could come from such depravity.

And yet, time and time again we see things that are right and good sprouting out of what looks like total ruin and chaos, and this book holds a good example of that.

The parallel part of the story is about Nya, who spends hours every day making two trips to the pond and back just for water.

Water. The very essence of life.

Water. The very thing that would bring Salva and Nya together in a very special ending that speaks of redemption and forgiveness.

And I can't think of a better ending than that.

Now is a good time to remind you that there is one week remaining in this month's reading challenge!

My plans are to hold a giveaway next Tuesday, the 30th, for everyone who has joined the challenge to read A Long Walk To Water plus one other book of your choice!

So...there is still time to get on board if you haven't started yet, and this really is a case where the more is the merrier!!!

See you then?


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