Limited Editions

Indeed, there is nothing more limited than summer mornings when I get to linger over our my tea while the children make nests at the base of the stairs with sleeping bags, pillows and books and then busy themselves with their own tree-trimming business.

Eternal summers might sound like a good idea at moments like these, but suddenly the children tire of their own freedom and you realize just how good some old-fashioned routine is!

And speaking of routine, school-days are on the horizon again, and while a part of me dreads the juggling act of teaching and housework, another part of me is anxious to crack open the new books and see what it feels like to have one in second grade and one learning to read!

I am not planning to resume a five-day-a-week school schedule until the beginning of September, but I am (dare I say it?) considering doing several days of school a week through August to give us a head start on math and reading.

I had grand notions of having Elasa finish up her first-grade math book through the early part of the summer, but apparently I was quite delusional, for here we are at the end of July and we haven't touched it since who-knows-when? So...I would like to finish that book and get a head-start on her second grade work, especially as we have some vacation plans for September and will be taking some time off from the books then.

July rather unexpectedly turned into the Month of the Mad Marathon, and while I don't regret the way we spent our time (think bean patches, corn-husking parties and a merry-go-round of food preparation & social gatherings) it did all add up to one big vacuum that sucked up any spare time that might have been. I looked at the month of July today and noticed with no small alarm that we haven't had a free week-night evening at home in nearly three weeks!

Is it any wonder that the parents in this house are dragging around at half mast or that my motivation for anything more profound than some chocolate followed by a nap is sadly lacking?

And speaking of which, it is quiet time for the children and I should go take advantage of the calm before it slips away.

Some things happen to be limited editions year-round.


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