An Experiment in Silence

Sometimes God’s voice is heard through the wind; sometimes through the fire.

And sometimes it is heard through the broken modem, that integral little box that sits in the basement and connects our computers to the World Wide Web.

I was tempted to look at this broken box as an annoyance and a nuisance. And at first I did. But suddenly, there was God, putting His finger on my internet usage and my blog and I started seeing this as an opportunity.

Here was my opportunity to purposefully turn away from something that has become too important to me over the past year.

Here was my opportunity to turn the time that I have been using to read blogs, write, look up recipes and browse Pinterest into learning more about God and serving my family.

Here was my opportunity to fast.

There is only one problem: I hate fasting. Of all the spiritual exercises that we are admonished to keep, this is one that really makes me squirm.

And if I am being asked to give something up for a while, couldn’t it be a relatively easy one like not going to the library for a month or not drinking coffee?

But no, sacrifice only counts if we are giving up something that hurts, and I knew in my case, the things responsible for decreasing my appetite for Christ weren’t cooking too much broccoli or spending too much time washing my windows. It was my computer and my love of books, so therefore, they are the things that must go.

At least for now.

I am hopeful that a month of dining on real food will give me some perspective and discipline regarding the foods meant for pleasure.

I am hopeful to be back in November, but in the meantime, you can expect silence from my end.

My intention is to keep the books I do read this month to titles that are inspirational and instructive in a spiritual sense, so if you want to look over my shoulder and see what's on my nightstand, here are two titles:

Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin

Mom Enough, by various authors.

Maybe when the time comes to break the silence, I will give a review on them.

That is, unless the Lord uses another creative avenue to tell me to do otherwise...


  1. I've taken computer/book fasts and always found it helpful- even if it was painful. I found out how often I pick up a book or sit down at the computer. And it wasn't pretty. Hope it is a rewarding month.

    And it was so good to see you in person on Saturday. I was hoping to get a chance to chat longer but somehow our paths didn't cross again. I was wishing that day was twice as long!

    1. It was a pleasure to meet you in person as well, Gina! You have been such a source of encouragement and blessing to me and I thank you for it! Maybe next time we'll have a longer time to chat! :)

  2. Now that November's here, perhaps you are checking your comments section. I understand your experiment in silence, and hope that this month has been a reflective and refreshing one for you. I'm also hoping you'll be back with us soon. I miss reading your weekly blogs.
    I'm taking one of your chosen books, Being Mortal, to the book club that I'm part of. It's my turn to choose the next book, and this one has been on my reading list since you've blogged about it. I'm looking forward to reading it!


    1. So good to hear from you- as always! I am also honored that you're taking Being Mortal to your book club...honored and a bit jealous, as being a part of a real book club remains on my list of things to do some day!!! You will let me know your thoughts on the book when you're through, won't you?


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