
Showing posts from January, 2016

13 Boxes of Tea

The other night, it suddenly & mysteriously became an urgent matter to procure some Traditional Medicinal Pregnancy Tea . And not just  one box, I thought to myself  as I stared at the image on the computer screen, I might as well get enough to last the duration of this pregnancy. I figured out approximately how many days I have left until D Day (170-some at the time) divided that amount by how many tea bags were in each box (16) and came up with a grand total of how many boxes would be required to see me through to the end. 11 boxes. Oh! Oh, well. I like the tea. The tea is suppose to like me, and besides, I can't find it at any of the local stores on my side of the mountain, and even if I could, I know for certain that it would not be at the price that was staring back at me on the computer screen. I put in my order, realized that I needed a few more dollars to qualify for free shipping, and proceeded to add two boxes of Echinacea Plus . After all, it's wint...


I know, I know! This poor little blog was dropped like a hot potato back in December without warning or precedence. No book review. No give-away. No random posts. Silence. And in the deepest sense of the word. I felt bad about the silence, but helpless to do anything about it. We all have our limits, and I had met mine. I would like to pass off the silence as the result of a very busy holiday season (plus a bit of extra time to regain my footing!), but the fact remains that I didn't sign a single Christmas card or bake a single cookie. Elasa's birthday was celebrated, but just barely, and Parker is still waiting on his party. And yet- and yet... In the midst of silence, something supremely special was taking root, and even as my body rebelled against this invasion, my heart sang and began to dream... Just as I am waiting for the return of my strength and a settled stomach, waiting for the slow & miraculous growth of this little one, waiting for the...