13 Boxes of Tea
The other night, it suddenly & mysteriously became an urgent matter to procure some Traditional Medicinal Pregnancy Tea . And not just one box, I thought to myself as I stared at the image on the computer screen, I might as well get enough to last the duration of this pregnancy. I figured out approximately how many days I have left until D Day (170-some at the time) divided that amount by how many tea bags were in each box (16) and came up with a grand total of how many boxes would be required to see me through to the end. 11 boxes. Oh! Oh, well. I like the tea. The tea is suppose to like me, and besides, I can't find it at any of the local stores on my side of the mountain, and even if I could, I know for certain that it would not be at the price that was staring back at me on the computer screen. I put in my order, realized that I needed a few more dollars to qualify for free shipping, and proceeded to add two boxes of Echinacea Plus . After all, it's wint...