13 Boxes of Tea

The other night, it suddenly & mysteriously became an urgent matter to procure some Traditional Medicinal Pregnancy Tea.

And not just one box, I thought to myself  as I stared at the image on the computer screen, I might as well get enough to last the duration of this pregnancy.

I figured out approximately how many days I have left until D Day (170-some at the time) divided that amount by how many tea bags were in each box (16) and came up with a grand total of how many boxes would be required to see me through to the end.

11 boxes.

Oh! Oh, well.

I like the tea. The tea is suppose to like me, and besides, I can't find it at any of the local stores on my side of the mountain, and even if I could, I know for certain that it would not be at the price that was staring back at me on the computer screen.

I put in my order, realized that I needed a few more dollars to qualify for free shipping, and proceeded to add two boxes of Echinacea Plus. After all, it's winter and we've been going through a lot of the stuff. And I know for certain that the store does not carry it for the price that was staring back at me on the computer screen.

Wesley was working at his computer a few feet away during of the duration of all this transaction, and while his comments were mild & he was not unwilling to please, I could tell that he thought a purchase of 13 boxes of tea to be a bit of an overkill. However, being the amiable man that he is, he kept the majority of his reservations to himself, and even handed over his credit card when it was called for.

I placed the order, felt pleased, and went to bed, only to be plagued with visions and dreams of tea that had me tossing and turning for what felt like an ungodly portion of the night.

Was this a bad sign?

I began to get worried...

Had I just ordered 11 boxes of tea that I wouldn't even be able to stomach once they arrived?

I probably wouldn't be able to convince Wesley to drink much of it, even if he does share my affinity for a good cup before bed, and it might take me a couple years of gifting it to other women in my condition to be rid of my supply.

Today there was a knock at the door, and when I opened it, a nice brown box sat on the doorstep.

I hauled it in, worked my way through the sturdy green tape, and lifted the flaps on 13 boxes of tea.

Now, I am more fond of the tea aisle than any other aisle at the grocery store, and my opinion of any store goes up or down based on how awe-inspiring their selection may or may not be, and anyone who has seen my pantry can testify to the array of boxes on the shelves (all organized, preferably, by brand) but even I was a little cowed by 13 boxes of tea staring back at me. Especially when 11 of the boxes are identical.

This evening Wesley put the kettle on, as he often does once the children have been tucked into bed, and when he asked what kind of tea I wanted, the choice was obvious...

I have had this tea before, but I was still a bit nervous about the first sip.

Would I like it?

Ah, yes...mild & minty, with pleasant hints of red raspberry & fennel. So far so good!

One down. 175 tea bags to go.

And then, the baby...

(Who may or may not arrive smelling like the inside of my teacup!!!) 


  1. Joanna, We were at B B's today and stocked up on tea (not your kind, although we have Echinacea Plus). I tried the one kind, "thin mints', from BIGELOW. I was not impressed. Anyone may have some to try. Welcome back!!

  2. Wow, Joanna, that's tea commitment! My current favorite tea is split between loose leaf chamomile and loose leaf Earl Grey Moonlight (a mild vanilla infused Earl Grey) both of which I get from Adagio Teas. I buy them in bulk, but not quite in those quantities! Are you doing caffeine during this pregnancy?



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