Cold Tea and Other Matters

Today wasn't the first time I rewarmed my tea from breakfast after the children went down for naps & quiet time, and it certainly won't be my last.

I usually drag the cup along in to the school table with me in the morning, but somewhere between reading a chapter out of Caddie Woodlawn to get our day started, and doing math flashcards with Elasa, the tea goes cold and unappealing.

Cold iced tea is one thing, cold tea that is suppose to be hot is quite another.

The cup sits neglected until I either rewarm it for another go or toss it down the drain so the children can wash the mug along with the lunchtime dishes.

I am not very good with allegories, but in many ways, my cups of neglected tea are a pretty good picture of what my life looks like these days...

I make little bursts of effort here and there to accomplish something and be the organized housewife that I want to be, only to realize time and again, that I am coming up agonizingly short of my goals.

On Saturday I finally finished a long-overdue project of dusting my bedroom and organizing some drawers and throwing away a large bag of trash...just before midnight.

Yesterday I took a pan of very simple applesauce bars to fellowship dinner...only to bring home an entire pan, minus one bar- and that one taken by one of my sons!!! (They were good, I promise, and they even had  Ghirardelli chocolate chips on top...they just weren't up there with eclair cake and Oreo-cookie cheesecake!)

Today I hastily stuck stamps on small bundle of family letters (which most people mail in December!) and thrust them into the mail slot... only to realize later on that the mailman had already passed by.

I  am at a stage of life where one cannot count on getting anything done with efficiency and ease. And I am at a season within that stage where my energy-level is as temperamental as a mule, and nowhere near as feisty.

I must count on small victories to keep from despairing, like actually making my bed and arranging my decorative pillows on top as I did this morning for the first time in months, or putting away clean laundry that was folded on Monday before the weekend hits.

Yes, those small things require a rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus to celebrate!!!

But wait!!! Could you hold that please?

First, I need to warm up my cup of tea.


  1. Dear Friend,

    Thank you for joining my book giveaway. You may want to check out my blog....:)


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