Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It...

I feel somewhat responsible for this snow, having prayed for it at the behest of my children for most of the winter, and even though it came in the middle of March, instead of January or February when it would have been more proper, I must say, we were all rather pleased with our answer to prayer!

We even got a special bonus with our snow day, when the shop where Wesley works closed and he got to spend the day at home with us, so that was a rare treat!!!

The children got a shortened school day, plus a lot of time outdoors shoveling and sledding, Wesley worked on the taxes and made his specialty snow-cream, and I had more peace and quiet in the house than usual and was inspired to make a double batch of Buttermilk Cinnamon Rolls, so I think we all took advantage of what we were given!

Indeed, it was one of the best snow days I could have hoped for, complete with a fire in the hearth and one of my favorite foods on earth (think warm cinnamon rolls dripping with cream cheese icing and dunked in coffee!!!) Even so...

I assure you that I will henceforth be praying for Spring.

Beginning now.


  1. I'm glad you all enjoyed your snow day. I've discovered I really miss some things about snow days.

  2. I meant to comment on this one when I first read it, but better late than never and the comment will still be the same: I AM COMING OVER RIGHT NOW FOR ONE (OR TWO!) OF THOSE CINNAMON ROLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Those right there are one of my favorite things to make, and one of my daddy's all time favorite treats. :) Guess I'd better make up a pan of my own soon, huh?! Love, Sarah A.


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