Starting Small

Today is the day, I told myself firmly, that the silence will end.

I have written (or started writing, shall we say?) various posts, but in the end they never came to be, and the longer it goes, the harder it is to break ground.

Dry ground does not yield easily to a shovel. Especially when the shovel is a garden spade and the ground is the Sahara Desert.

I envy writers who can plow through all manner of obstacles, from busyness to brain blocks and everything in between, but I have proven to myself- and the world at large- that I am not numbered among the stalwart.

Rather, I have turned this space into the very type of blog that I despise- a dormant one.

It is not fun to awaken to the fact that you have mastered the very habit that you most feared, but I have pondered my options and have come to the brilliant conclusion that I have but two: to quit or not to quit?

Indeed, this is the question.

I could fold this blog into an envelope of the past, and maybe someday, if I ever learned how to properly discipline and organize my life, start another blog, all shiny and new.

Or, I could start today with what I have: a few words, a few moments, a few sprouts of inspiration.

This, after all, is the only way I know to do life right now. It sounds nice to get housecleaning or school portfolios or sewing done in one fell swoop, but that's not my reality, while a teething 11- month-old, a house with a for-sale sign in the yard, and a family that needs to eat every couple of hours, is.

So, I can either live in my reality and make the most of what I have, or I can quite.

I choose the former.

Me and my spade.

Digging, digging my way out of the silence.


  1. I'll be one of those eager to hear your few words. Most of the things we mooms do don't look like much, line upon line, precept upon precept.

  2. A few words is fine, you will never be sorry for tending your family, time is indeed short, we have our children with us 25 years more or less. Serve them while you have these years, all under one roof. God Be with you, as you serve. Lorraine


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