
Ever have an urge to write on a rainy Monday morning when it its high time to get school started, and the dirty laundry is giving you reproachful looks, and the beds are unmade and rumpled, and the baby is still in his pajamas even as the clock strikes 9?

Me too.

I have learned that if there is such a thing as a Writer's Law, it certainly includes this: a writer will always and forever have his or her most inspiring thoughts at the most inconvenient times!

Indeed. Ten times out of ten, my best thoughts for writing come to me either in church, as I am walking into Wal-Mart, or when I am zipping about the house in the midst of a crazy morning when I don't even have time to finish my coffee, much less sit down and write.

This is why setting aside a time every day or even every week would not work for me! Faced with a spot of time when I could actually write, I am always faced with another, darker problem: a blank head!

So what is the solution?

Apparently, some of the time it is this: ignore the pajamas, the clock, and the dirty laundry for a few precious moments and type away like mad.

This is especially appropriate when you have good news to share, such as this: our house is under contract!!!

After six months of watching the seasons change from spring to summer to fall while our "for-sale" sign stood sentry in the front yard, after more than 30 showings and just as many rejections, and after nearly giving up hope on numerous accounts, we finally got a message from out realtor on Friday evening that there was an offer!

Talk about exciting! Talk about something of note!

The very next morning we met with our realtor, accepted the offer, and signed papers, putting our house officially under contract.

After all this time, it's pretty hard to believe that our dreams of moving to the yellow house across the street just might become a reality, and while there's always the possibility that things could still fall through, taking us back to square one, our overall sense at the moment is one of excitement and relief!

Most of all, we know that God has this!

Which, of course, is the most noteworthy word of all.


  1. I stumbled on your blog this fall and being in the same stage of buying/selling I kept checking back to see if you were moving. Hope things continue to work out for you!


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