
This day is a bit epic for me. Not only am I actually posting my very first blog post, but it was also the very first day of homeschooling my first grader- my first born! I didn't plan for these two things to coincide, but as I want to document this journey of homeschooling through my writing- along with many other things- it seemed like a good day to make several things official!

My intention is to make this blog a place where I can write about the things that make up my world. Our tea pot is always full of something, and while a lot of it is ordinary, there are many things that interest me and bring me joy and I would like to share them. Life is such an interesting mix of ordinary & extraordinary, and this site gives me a place to process some of it through writing.

Starting this journey of homeschooling reminds me a bit of standing at the marriage alter! We trotted forth from that huge commitment with love & excitement beaming from our eyes despite knowing in theory the challenges that would lie ahead! We had heard tales of woe- and worse- and yet we did it anyway! Well, this day did not have the drama of a wedding day, and the commitment isn't for life, but I still sat down at the school table with my new student with an eagerness born of fresh vision...despite knowing in theory the challenges that lie ahead! After all, I was homeschooled myself, and I have sisters & friends who are well along in their journey, so I don't have the pleasure of naivety or of believing that homeschooling will cure all that ails us! All the same, I broke out a brand new pencil sharpener and cracked open brand new books with stars in my eyes.

Never mind that this was just one itty-bitty step on a very long and arduous journey! Should today's sunshine be ignored because tomorrow it might be raining?

A steaming cup of mint tea is as worth enjoying on the thousandth cup as it was on the first. Beginning my own journey of homeschooling is worth excitement & bright dreams even if I do know the statistics. Maybe especially so.


  1. I am excited to see your new blog and am looking forward to reading your posts!

  2. Hi! It's been brought to my attention that several people have tried to post comments without success. My tech support (who also happens to be my husband!) determined that one of the best ways to post a comment would be to use the Name/ URL option when you go to "comment as." The only thing you have to put in is your first name. Some of the other options require an active profile (such as on Blogger or Wordpress) which, if you already have, would be fine as well. If you have tried to leave a comment & it hasn't published, please try again...I am so excited to hear from you!!!

  3. Dear Joanna, I was excited to see your blog and profile. I am looking forward to reading what is brewing in your 'teapot'!! Love,MOM

  4. Fascinating! Excited about "keeping in touch" this way!

  5. What a pleasant surprise to wake up to this morning !! I will be a faithful follower of your blog, looking forward to each new blog you write. Wishing you many happy school days ahead. Love ya !!!!

  6. I will now have a role model in the family to learn from on what works for school and what does not before I have to learn from trial and error! I have already enjoyed hearing from you on what to expect in the next step of toddler hood and I am excited that I will be able to read more on your blog.

  7. I'm one of the attempters! I visited the blog last night, and was so delighted to see this dream of yours up and running. Consider me a loyal fan!

  8. I for one miss your writings from our family's monthly "Wadel Warbler". In this way, you will do all the writing and I can just sit back and enjoy the warbling! Best wishes on your new endeavor!

  9. I just wanted to say how honored I am by all who have stopped by and then left a comment...either here or by dropping me an email! You made my day over and over again! THANKS!!!

  10. Joanna, I am excited to keep up with you guys via your blog. Hope you all are doing well!

  11. I am very happy because I can get to this blog
    Honestly, this is one of the blogspot that I think is very inspiring for me, maybe for others too
    I hope, you always always write articles on other interesting articles that I can read

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