Thoughts on Hibernation

There are two words to describe today:

Dreary and drippy.

Perfect for a hot cup of suisse mocha (occasionally even I deviate from tea!) and a bagel as a special treat for breakfast, but not so great for the inspiration level!

We don't have our heat on yet, due to the fact that as part of the remodeling going on in our bedroom, the radiator was taken out and, along with the kitchen radiator, was sent away to be sandblasted and powder-coated. The radiators are back now, looking very suave & sophisticated in their shiny new coats of white, but they still need to be hooked up. The one for our bedroom is still sitting in the garage, waiting to be hauled up a flight of steps. The process of moving several hundred pounds of hulking cast iron around is no easy undertaking and it usually requires at least two men and a great deal of grunting to make it happen.

Wesley is at work this morning, but his project for this afternoon is to get the heat going. (A certain brother of mine might want to hide his phone about now!!!)

I hope it goes well. It is currently 66 degrees in our house and for a cold-blooded person like me and a cold, wet Saturday like this, that's just plenty cold. A real coldblooded reptile would be going into hibernation about now. It certainly would not be at it's most productive.

And it certainly would not be running a vacuum.

I am wondering if there would be any merit in taking a few cues from the frogs and turtles (and a whole lot of other animals!)

Just think about how much money they save on heating!

Just think about months on end with no vacuuming...


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