Discussion Questions for The Light Between Oceans

I have decided that in order to facilitate discussion, and perhaps help myself and others better analyze our book of the month, I will post a list of questions each month prior to the book review.

In the future, I would like to post the discussion questions several days before my actual review (which will be the fourth Tuesday of every month), but as you can see, that didn't happen this time around! Part of the reason for this is that I am still trying to figure everything out. The other part may have something to do with the fact that I am confirmed procrastinator, but we'll leave more on that for another time!!! 

Now, on with the questions for The Light Between Oceans:

1. Which of the two main characters do you identify most with throughout the story: Tom or Isabel? 

2. Isabel justified keeping Lucy because of her own losses. Can you sympathize with that logic?

3. Who do you think had the "right" to Lucy: her birth mother or Isabel? 

4. Do you agree with the philosophy that "sometimes, forgetting is the only way back to normality?" (refer to page 276 for this quote and background.)  

5. What is a favorite scene/passage from the book? 

6. Is there a moral/lesson that you took away from the story? 

7. Were you satisfied with the outcome of the story or is there something you would write differently if you were to change the ending? 

I am by no means experienced in this field, and therefore I am learning along with everyone else, so if you feel that an important aspect was left out, feel free to add questions and comments beyond what I have down! That is, after all, what discussion is all about!!!

If you choose to do a review, just put the number of the question and then your answer...no need to rewrite the question unless you wish to.

It may be helpful to insert here that this book of the month review does not have an expiration date! If you decide to read January's book in May, that's fine...just leave your comments on the appropriate post- which would be where I am reviewing the book, not where the discussion questions are posted! This way all the discussion on one book can stay together!

Looking forward to hearing from you! 


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