Tea & A Good Book Brewing- Installment 15, The Light Between Oceans

Welcome to the very first Book of the Month review! 

I should say here that this is set up more as a discussion than a review and that my questions and answers are not going to make a lot of sense to you unless you have read the book! However, you may get a sense as to whether or not you would be interested in the book by reading over the discussion! Better yet, maybe your interest will even be piqued enough to read the book and enter into the discussion yourself, which would suit my purposes pretty well, come to think of it!!!

For anyone who wishes to join the discussion, just leave your remarks/answers to the questions found in this post in the comment section below.

I have been looking forward to talking about January's book, The Light Between Oceansand hearing what others who have joined me in reading this book have to say about it!

Before we begin, however, we must set the perfect ambience for a book discussion...

Picture coming in out of the cold to a room alive with the crackle of firelight. Picture kicking off snowy shoes and curling up on comfortable couches and chairs. Picture scones hot from the oven. Picture the perfect pot of tea (pardon my snobbery, but you can't have scones with anything but a proper cup of tea!).

Now, best of all, picture the faces of some of your favorite people to have a good discussion with! 

There, I have just created what for me would be about as perfect an evening as I can imagine! So perfect, in fact, that this blog review is looking like a pretty poor substitute!!! But shall we settle for second best?

Yes, let us...life is too short to do otherwise!!!

1. Which of the two main characters do you identify most with throughout the story: Tom or Isabel? 
    I identified the most with Tom. I am often very duty-bound and would tend to "stick to the rules" if for no other reason than to avoid either personal guilt or disapproval from others. Even when confronted with an emotional appeal, it can be hard to lay these habits down. 

2. Isabel justified keeping Lucy because of her own losses. Can you sympathize with that logic?
   It's second nature to try to find replacements for real or perceived voids in our life and to feel that the end justifies the means or that we deserve something. That's where Isabel was when she kept Lucy and I am not immune to that trap. Once we have settled into the victim mentality, it is easy for our "needs" win out over common sense.  

3. Who do you think had the "right" to Lucy: her birth mother (Hannah) or Isabel?
    The author sets the stage for our sympathies to rest with Isabel, since we know her story so much better by the time the birth mother is introduced into the plot, but I would still say that, ultimately, Hannah had the "right" to Lucy (or Grace, as the case may be!)  

4. Do you agree with the philosophy that "sometimes, forgetting is the only way back to normality?" (refer to page 276 for this quote and background.)
    I don't agree with it from a Christian worldview- where I believe God wants to redeem us, not just have us forget- but sometimes it does seem that "moving on" is the only way back to normalicy. Poking at a scab rarely helps a wound to heal...but forgetting is not healing, either, so we're back to God's way being the only way forward after tragedy or wrong-doing.     

5. What is a favorite scene/passage from the book? 
    The whole thing of living on an island all by oneself and being a lighthouse keeper is intriguing to me, so I enjoyed the book most where Tom and Isabel lived on Janus, full of young love and hope.   

6. Is there a moral/lesson that you took away from the story? 
    It really is true that we shape not only our own lives but the lives of those around us by our moment-to-moment decisions. It is also true that even if we live on an island, what we do still has consequences, no matter what.

7. Were you satisfied with the outcome of the story or is there something you would write differently if you were to change the ending? 
    I wish that Isabel had been able to see Lucy again before she died, but having Tom see her again was indeed satisfactory. 

The tea and scones are gone- in reality as well as in my little imaginary scene- and the ticking clock signals the end of the discussion.

I might just add, though, by way of wrapping it all up, that this was a spellbinding book. The plot is fascinating and gripping as it moves through some very keen emotion and drama and there were times when I could hardly bear to keep reading for fear of what came next and yet I certainly could not bear laying it down, either, for fear of not knowing!!! There are many different facets to this story and I know I didn't do them all justice, so I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for joining me! Let's do it again soon.

And just so you're forewarned, if you borrow a copy of The Light Between Oceans from the same library I did and a few crumbs fall out from between the pages, you'll know you have me and the scones to thank...

And were they ever delicious... 


  1. Loved your reviews - and you certainly stirred my interest!

    Looking forward to your next one.

  2. I'm enjoying reading this book, I'm about 1/2 thru! And I am adopted and have 2 adopted children! So I picked up the book right away to read! Enjoy your blog! Keep up the great work!

    1. Thanks for joining me, Tina! Comments like yours make my day!!! I look forward to hearing what you thought of the book once you're through! :) Different perspectives on the book will make this "discussion" much more interesting!

    2. This book kept me spellbound and holding my breathe!! I was sure that either Izzy or Lucy would die at some point. The saddest thing for me was that Hannah was so unforgiving and ungrateful that she could not and did not share Lucy w/ Tom & Izzy. I believe Izzy planned her life to include children and could not see it any other way. That's why she was so sure God brought her Lucy, when in fact God wanted them to play a part in a miracle for Hannah. I really do wish Izzy would have seen Lucy before she died. Then the book would have ended with a better note. It left me feeling sad. I guess I like happy endings. I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter who I cannot imagine living without, so I do not want to be too hard on Izzy. At this age, a child is particularly sweet!! I can't let Tom off the hook! If he would have obeyed his conscience in the first place and used his God given leadership, so much heart brake would not have happened. That's my two cents. :)

    3. Thanks for entering the discussion with your two cents!!! I think you brought out some very interesting points, such as Hannah's unforgiveness and Isabel planning her life around what she wanted to the exclusion of what was best for others. There's a lot to think about with this story and the different facets make it doubly interesting.

  3. Here is my review for the book, "The Light Between Oceans":

    1. I definitely agreed with Tom the most throughout the story. I find it very difficult to go against what I know I really should do or what is the right thing to do. Some people might call it a sensitive conscious but I tend to believe it is God-given; given to us so we can make good choices in life. And if only Tom would have down the right thing in the beginning, the less grief it would have caused all of them.
    2. It is very easy to justify things sometimes because of our own losses, so yes, I could sympathize with Isabal. But I'm not sure if that is the way we should go about life though...
    3.Hannah definitely had the right to her daughter, Grace. I was never real fond of Isabel throughout the book because of the lie she was living and her insistence on keeping it all a secret.
    4. 'Sometimes forgetting is the only way back to normality." Sometimes we do have to forget but I agree with Joanna on her review, God wants to redeem us and to me that is a very beautiful picture of a life well lived. Redemption. We will make mistakes in life, but as long as we have asked forgiveness from God, we can truly forget and life a life free of the guilt.
    5. I think my favorite scene from the book are in the very last pages of the book. That reunion between Tom and the girl he will always know as Lucy.
    6. Like Joanna said, every decision we make has consequences and in one way or another, will affect those around us. May I always make those decisions that will bless those around me, and ultimately please God as every decision we make should.
    7. Yes, I think I can honestly say that I was satisfied with the outcome of the story. I agree that it would have been very nice for Isabel to see "Lucy" one last time but as that didn't happen, I thought the author did a good job with ending the story well.

  4. I also wanted to say that I really did enjoy this book! I normally only read nonfiction books, so this was a change for me. My only downside to the book would have been some of the language, but otherwise the narrative was good and the characters very interesting!
    It looks like I finished the book just in time for February's book of the month!!!;) Looking forward to seeing what that will be, Joanna!!!!

    1. You did an excellent job with your review, Kara, and I enjoyed it thoroughly! It's quite interesting to hear another's point of view, even though we came out at a similar place (I wonder why?!!) I am especially glad that you liked the ending of the book so well...that is always important! Thanks for joining me!

  5. I forgot to mention the language too. I did not appreciate all the using of the Lord's name in vain. It's hard for me to recommend this book for that reason. It's really sad they did not know that Jesus was there ready for them to call upon. That would have made all the difference!!


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