A Special Offer on the First Day of May

Happy first day of May!

The season we've all been waiting for is in full bloom and going all too quickly, and while I know how easy it is to get caught up in the work that needs to be done (cleaning, finishing up school, digging in gardens and herb beds, keeping the family clothed and fed), I would recommend finding ways to slow down and enjoy these lovely Springtime days!

And I have just one such way to tell you about:

I got word from Dorcas Smucker that the Kindle edition of Footprints on the Ceiling is free today and tomorrow!!!

This is a very generous offer and available to anyone who has a Kindle, so feel free to make use of it yourself and pass the word along!

Just remember that the offer stands today (May 1) and tomorrow (May 2) only, so be sure to download it now if you're interested!

If you're not familiar with Dorcas and her book, you can learn a bit more by reading my review of Footprints on the Ceiling, or checking out her very interesting & funny blog, Life in the Shoe!

Happy reading! And if you can find a blooming cherry tree in to sit under while doing so, all the better!!!


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