One Year and Counting

As hard as it is to believe, What's In My Teapot is one year old today!

One whole year. That's a lot of meals cooked, diapers changed, and math lessons taught. It's also a lot of burnt midnight oil, as it's no secret that much of my writing happens after most decent people have gone to bed.

When I first started this blog, I had no real idea of where it would take me. And as a matter of fact, I still don't.

Oh, I know that I major in books and that I don't hold a candle to all the wonderful food blogs out there with their amazing pictures, but I am still feeling my way around and trying to learn the balance between being true to the things that make up my world and yet fair to the people who are a part of my story.

One of the highest compliments I could have gotten in the past year came from someone who I didn't know, but who had read my blog. "You're a writer, aren't you?" she said.

I wasn't sure how to answer.

There's a difference between a writer and a wannabe, and I am not sure if I can claim the former, as much as I would like to.

As much as I like to write, even need to write, it comes hard for me. So many ideas and stories fall flat before they ever come to be, much less get put out for public consumption.

Do real writers have this problem?

I write endlessly in my head, but when I sit down to write, my fingers fumble over the keys and I end up with more blank than brilliance on the page.

Do real writers have days and weeks full of blank spots?

The only cure I know of, the only way up, is to keep climbing. To hit the backspace key, coupled with the delete button, as often as necessary and then try again.

To keep burning oil. Even if  the midnight kind gets pretty expensive.

In the meantime, thanks for sticking with me! I see the numbers and know you're out there, and now is the perfect time to say that you all mean the world to me.

After all, what's a writer without an audience?

Even if the writer's a wannabe.


  1. Congratulations on one year! I'm glad you had the courage to start - and hope you have the courage to continue.

    I have struggled with knowing if a wannabe like me can be called a writer but then I was told that a baker bakes, a farmer farms, and a builder builds. So if you are writing, even if it is not the quality you hope for, you are a writer. A writer is one who practices writing. And as you practice, you'll get better!

    Enjoying your words.

  2. Congratulations on reaching the one year milestone! I'm grateful for every blog post that gives me an update on your world!

    And many of your posts make me laugh, or smile, or think: Yep, I get that. Above all else, I can hear you - your thoughts, your perspectives, your joy in the small things of life. When I read your blog, I'm reminded of who you are. And that means you are finding a very precious commodity - your writer's voice. You can claim writer's status, at least in my world!


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