Tea & A Good Book Brewing- Installment 37, Introducing September's Book of the Month

New month, new book, new niece...and all on the same day!

No wonder the day was special!

This morning we sat in a courtroom and witnessed the adoption of the little girl my brother & his wife have had in their home since she was two days old! She will turn two years old this fall, so in many ways she has been their daughter all along, but today it was made official and now she's theirs for keeps.

God's hand at work orchestrating the details, big and little, that make up our lives never ceases to amaze me. And when the amazement comes in the form of a new niece, it's pretty special.

And now, for the book!

Upon my friend Piper's recommendation, I am choosing Jacob Have I Loved, by Katherine Paterson for September's book of the month.

Jacob Have I Loved takes place in the 1940s on a tiny island in the Chesapeake Bay called Rass Island. Sara Louise "Wheeze" Bradshaw is the young teen who narrates the story, which deals in part with sibling rivalry between twins Caroline and Louise.

Here's what Amazon has to say:

Sara Louise Bradshaw is sick and tired of her beautiful twin Caroline. Ever since they were born, Caroline has been the pretty one, the talented one, the better sister. Even now, Caroline seems to take everything: Louise's friends, their parents' love, her dreams for the future.

For once in her life, Louise wants to be the special one. But in order to do that, she must first figure out who she is . . . and find a way to make a place for herself outside her sister's shadow.

The book falls under the category of  Young Adult, which is a genre I think it's easy to overlook since we assume we should be reading more adult books- and yet, they actually have a lot to offer. The older I get, the more room I give myself to just enjoy all these great books written for children and teens, and it's amazing how valuable they are even to someone over thirty!

Thanks, Piper, for the recommendation! You made my job easy this month and I love you for it!!!


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