Figuring It Out!

Things are getting better around here, they really are, and I can prove it with the fact that I ironed the Sunday pants & shirts today before they went back into the closets for the first time since, uh... probably November?

Now, ironing is usually one of my least-favorite household chores, which may be one reason that I didn't get back to it sooner (that and the fact that ironing is not a necessity, like washing laundry or cleaning bathrooms!) but today it was almost refreshing to do something so long-neglected.

Maybe no-one else noticed the members of our family who went to church in wrinkle-bag clothing, but I did, so getting these particular clothes looking decent made me feel a little more like an upstanding housewife again!

Which brings me to another thing that has gone long-neglected, and which niggles at my mind in the fashion of a termite among wood...

"What," I wonder, "Would make me feel like an upstanding keeper-of-the-blog again?"

Not only have we begun a new year (or at least we did three months ago!) but I am moving toward a new season of life where I have no idea how well I'll be able to accommodate writing, so it seems like a prime time to evaluate where I am and where I am going.

While I don't want to start a new schedule that's going to turn stressful, or make a bunch of promises I won't be able to keep come summer, I also work best with a little bit of pressure, if you please, and I am afraid that if this writing spot remains totally open-ended, it will be sporadic and unpredictable at best, and non-existent at worst.


I am going to try to post something every Tuesday (as I did most of last year)... make it a little easier on myself, lest I weary of pulling ideas out of thin air, I am going to try a little "schedule" that should allow me to cover some topics that are important & relevant to me, and yet give me the freedom to keep it short and sweet if and when the need arises:

1st Tuesday: Best of the Season ( or "Things That Impress Me Right Here, Right Now!")

2nd Tuesday: Life in a Random Word (or "Snapshots With Words")

3rd Tuesday: Ode to Books (or "What I am Currently Reading")  

4th Tuesday: Going to (Home)School (or "Through the Eye of a School-Marm")

5th Tuesday: Something Mysterious ( or "Wait & See!")

In case you didn't notice my clever little acronym, it spells BLOGS, and not only did it help me come up with my titles in the first place, but I trust that it will help me remember where I am in my month on any given Tuesday!!!

There!!! Figuring all of this out makes me feel even better than getting the ironing done today (much, much, better, as a matter of fact!)

And so, without further adieu, let the blogging begin...


  1. Wonderful! I've been missing the regular Tuesday installment, and I'm glad it is to be resumed. And even more happy, of course, that this means things are less difficult for you.


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