Bible-school Then and Now

This has been a normal Monday for me thus far.

I drank a cup and then a little more of coffee as I ate my eggs and toast and got my morning started.

I gave Elasa flash cards and reminded her to begin her sentences with a capital letter (just when will this become second nature, instead of something that requires prompting?)

I taught Gavin about the long o and long u sounds in his reading program and showed him how to make little doggy bone shapes around the long o words on his workbook page.

I made multiple trips to the basement to pull laundry in and out of the washer and and dryer, and spent some time valiantly scrubbing, albeit in vain, some very determined stains on one of Elasa's dresses.

I read a Berenstain Bear book about manners to Parker and hauled him upstairs to get dressed shortly before lunchtime (not that he minded plowing around in his nightwear, for he loves his pajamas!)

I remembered to take my iron supplement, although it turned out to be closer to one hour instead of the prescribed half-hour between drinking it and eating lunch.

Yes, it's pretty normal around here for me, down to the clean laundry heaped in baskets and waiting to be folded, and the soup on the menu for supper, but I guess you could say that the person who is not having a "normal" day in this family is Wesley, who is off work this week and spending his time at our church's youth bible-school... and not as a student, either, as in days of yore, but as one of the teachers!

How times do change! Ten, eleven years ago, we were the young people sitting in the pews and participating in the chorus, and now the sides have switched and Wesley is the one studying and expounding while his wife is at home teaching math and feeling quite matronly!

Indeed, our "normal" looks a lot different than what it did back in the day! We have a little more girth and a little less hair; a little more insight into life and a little less energy to make it happen!

We have graduated, if you will, and yet we realize all the more just how valuable those years of youth really are, and how, having passed through it ourselves, we need to turn back, hold out our hands and help others afford safe passage.

If you would like to get a glimpse of what the young people are hearing this week, feel free to take a look at our website,, as Wesley is planning to post daily updates to the messages.

And as always, prayers for the teachers, the students, and the women who stay at home to hold down the fort are much appreciated!!!


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