Running Dry

I've been drinking more tea than ever these days, but I am still coming up as dry as a bone.

In the writing department, that is.

I can't quite put my finger on why, but whenever I sit down to write, I feel totally lost for inspiration and words. This strange phenomena is why my Tuesday posts are all that you've been getting... and even then I do a lot of staring at the screen, writing and using the backspace button, editing and in general pulling out my hair.

You don't want to know how many "drafts" are on the drawing board, wilting while they wait for either deletion or a breath of fresh air.

This dry spell is causing me no end of grief and it is not only affecting me at the computer.

Yesterday I spent over an hour writing a very simple "thinking-of-you" card for a friend. No, make that two cards that got written...and then I picked the one I could tolerate the most of the two to actually give to her and I still wasn't terribly satisfied with that one.

Is it the February slump?

Will I find a cure once I remember what green grass looks like again?

Let us hope so, for I am about ready to drown in my own tea-pot.

And I am still coming up dry.


  1. I enjoy reading about your everyday life. Posts do not have to be out of the ordinary or thrilling. :) Put us up to date on how school is going. Did you get the puzzle fixed? And we never saw pictures of your remodeled bedroom! And don't forget, give-a-ways always spice blog life up. ( hint, hint ) And the perfect solution to your blogging slump would be a cup of coffee, I assume. That will get the writing cogs turning!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! This made me smile & that was just what I needed on a grey Monday morning when I have sinus issues & a dentist appt. to deal with today...not to mention a mountain of laundry, school to teach & the question of "what soup do I make for supper today?" !!! I am sipping echinacea at the moment, but I'll keep the coffee in mind. ;)


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