Tea & A Good Book Brewing- Installment 16, Introducing February's Book of the Month

My Mom made choosing February's Book of the Month easy for me and she did it by giving me the perfect belated birthday gift!

It's not every day that you get a birthday gift in January when your birthday is in August, and it is even more rare that the gift bag holds the very thing you wanted: a brand new book by your favorite author!!!

Needless to say, I was delighted!

Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good, by Jan Karon, takes readers back to Mitford, which for me couldn't be more welcome! After following Father Tim to Ireland and Holly Springs, there's nothing like "home!"

Since this is not my official review (that will come the fourth Tuesday of the month!), I will quote what Amazon has to say about the book:

"After five hectic years of retirement from Lord’s Chapel, Father Tim Kavanagh returns with his wife, Cynthia, from a so-called pleasure trip to the land of his Irish ancestors.
            While glad to be at home in Mitford, something is definitely missing: a pulpit. But when he’s offered one, he decides he doesn't want it. Maybe he’s lost his passion.
            His adopted son, Dooley, wrestles with his own passion—for the beautiful and gifted Lace Turner, and his vision to become a successful country vet. Dooley’s brother, Sammy, still enraged by his mother’s abandonment, destroys one of Father Tim’s prized possessions. And Hope Murphy, owner of Happy Endings bookstore, struggles with the potential loss of her unborn child and her hard-won business.
            All this as Wanda’s Feel Good CafĂ© opens, a romance catches fire through an Internet word game, their former mayor hatches a reelection campaign to throw the bums out, and the weekly Muse poses a probing inquiry: Does Mitford still take care of its own?"

If you love Mitford and all it's occupants like old friends as I do, you're going to want to read this book! And if you have yet to make the acquaintance of this lovely place, you're going to want to start with this book! (Or, go back to the first book in the series, At Home in Mitford, and work up to Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good so that you have a better background on the characters & the plot!)

Either way, please join me this month by enjoying Mitford and it's lively cast of characters. After all, who couldn't handle a dose of Dooley, Hope Winchester, Emma, and Helene Pringle to warm up these Winter days?

The only problem that I have run into so far is that the book is not going to be long enough- and it's all of 511 pages!!! I very strictly saved it for February, and now that we are all of three days into the month, I am already nearing the halfway point!

Maybe I will have to pace myself a bit and limit myself to one chapter a day?

Possible, but not probable!

Alongside this delightful book, Mom also gave me the perfect reading accompaniments...a chocolate bar and a box of tea. Make that Green & Black's Organic dark chocolate and a box of Bigelow's Lemon Lift (which I have discovered is the perfect combination of black & lemon!)

Today I enjoyed all three at the same time (for the sake of the review, of course!) and found myself a deeply contented human being. 

It helped that all three of my children were taking naps or having quiet time and that I was only interrupted, oh, maybe twice?   

Turns out you don't need Florida in the winter after all to maintain your sanity. You just need a trip to Mitford.

And a mother with the foresight to give you the perfect belated birthday gift.


  1. I put a copy of this book on hold at the library and it should be there tomorrow. Can hardly wait to reconnect with Father Tim!!

    1. I think you're going to really enjoy it! It's nice to be able to recommend a book that you know is going to be good even before you read it yourself! Thanks for joining me again! :)

  2. We are listening to this book on CD right now, so I will probably not be joining you in the "book club" this month. But I will be looking forward to your review at the end of the month!!:):):):)

    1. Just so you know- listening to it counts, too! You would be more than welcome to still give your thoughts...or maybe Mom would like to take a turn?!! :)


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