The Bridge- Day Six

Today my sister and I spent approximately 5 very enjoyable hours at a homeschool curriculum fair in Frederick, Maryland, and I came away with new wind under my sails!

I guess you know you're a homeschooling mom when you go to a curriculum fair and feel like a kid in a candy shop, but there's nothing like brand new school books and other fun educational things to get a person excited!!!

It may seem a little odd to be worrying over second grade before we're even through with first, but taking care of curriculum decisions now means that you can think about the next year based on how the current year is going, plus enjoy summer vacation when it arrives knowing that you're books are ready when you are!

I looked at curriculum a bit, but actually spent the majority of my time fascinated by all the "extra-curricular" books, games and gizmos and picking up a few things I thought would be good additions to our family library and homeschool experience in general, like a Learning Wrap Ups for subtraction and a really neat Fandex Family Field Guide on North American Trees!

I even found a charming little book for myself called Books I've Read, a Bibliophile's Journal, so I have a place to record all the books I read! I can't wait to get started, and I recommend that you get one, too! That way we can all record our books of the month and such like!!!

So, you're wondering how curriculum fairs and thoughts on homeschooling have anything to do with Bible-school?

Hmm...good point!

I was hoping that if I sat down and put my weary feet under my desk and started rambling about my day that maybe a thought or two would come...

Instead, I am feeling a bit more disconnected from Bible-school then ever, and it doesn't help that this evening our whole family stayed home from church with two boys who have terrible colds!

When I arrived home from the curriculum fair around supper time, Gavin was dressed in his church clothes and quite determined to go to the service, but his eyes, cough and sniffles told me that he was in no shape to be among the public! I guess he felt better once he realized we were all staying home, but his faithful little desire to go to church was touching!

And now a few thoughts are beginning to dawn in answer to yesterday's questions:

If we are to provide an environment in which our youth can thrive, we need to be faithful in doing the big and little things that build relationships, trust and respect.

We need to be faithful in love.

Faithful in being a good example.

Faithful in prayer.

Faithful in putting together that string of pearls that will adorn the giver and the receiver!

For herein lies the mystery and the miracle: after a time, one cannot tell who is giving and who is receiving, and together young and old alike are making constant use of a bridge...

Called unity.


  1. Glad you had fun at the curriculum fair! This is the first year in five or six years (I guess ever since I have been officially homeschooling) that I did not go. I had some other events I wanted to go to this spring and didn't think I should get a babysitter for another day. But I sure remember the kid-in-a-candy-store feeling!

    And I've enjoyed your Bible school series!


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