The Finale- Day Seven

Bible-school is over, and I am sure there is a mixture of disappointment and relief at it's passing.

The good news is that I heard very positive reports about Bible-school, so I think we can put the year to rest, so to speak, on a good note!

I was one of several hundred people who sat in a crammed auditorium this morning and listened to the Bible-school students sing in the chorus, their special finale, and I was inspired and blessed.

In my first post about Bible-school, I said that one of my desires for the week was that Christ's kingdom would advance and that we could reclaim some of  what the devil has stolen, and this morning I felt an air of victory, buoyed by the testimony of another young man from our church who has decided to follow Christ.

It may feel like a lot of work and effort on the behalf of many, and that would be true, but I think each and every person who had even the slightest bit of involvement would say that it was worth every moment if we have gained ground for the Kingdom of God.

In times of battle, a warrior will celebrate each victory because it brings him closer to the goal.

Let it be said that today I am celebrating the victories that have been won, the truth that has been spoken, the lamps that have been brightened and the hearts that have been strengthened, because it all brings us closer to our ultimate goal...

The best finale anyone could imagine.

The beginning of forever.



  1. I enjoyed your series on Bible School last week, Joanna!!! I would normally read it every day after I hopped out of the shower!:) It's hard for me to believe that Bible School is aleady history and now all I have are the memories...but they are quite wonderful! Today has been a bittersweet day for me as I think of all the good times I had and wishing that somehow it could have gone on a little longer!:)
    It is my desire that I could be a better person from being at Bible School and that all us students could have a great passion for the Kingdom of God.


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