Giveaway Results!!!

Thanks to for its help in generating a random number, we have a winner...

And the winner is none other than my very own MOM!!!

Mom commented: "This book sounds intriguing! Maybe I could read this on some of these long winter evenings."

Well, Mom, now that you have a book to read coming your way, all you need is a good snowstorm and a cup of tea to go with it! It is not the easiest read, but I hope you find it as inspiring as I did!

Two people borrowed the book while it was still in my keeping and they both found it challenging and worthwhile, so I am hoping that this book's message can continue to inspire all who read it to choose the way of Jesus.

The way of Jesus is the way of the cross, but it is also the way of joy, and just as the life of Chiara Corbella Petrillo bore witness to that reality, so can each of ours, as well.

Special thanks to all who entered! I always end up wishing I could give a prize to everyone who puts their name in for one of my give-aways, just because it means so much to hear from some of my readers, but since that's not possible, I can hope you come back next time and that maybe another time will be your turn to win!!!


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