Tea & A Good Book Brewing- Installment 40, Introducing November's Book of the Month

Ahhh, but it's good to be back!

This break with blogging has been a little like vacation, where it's good to go, but even better to be home again.

And just like with vacations, I am arriving "home" with all kinds of things to say, but with so little time to say it in between regrouping and getting back into the groove!

Did I miss writing? Yes.

Did I learn some important things that I hope to remember in the coming days/months/years? Yes.

Did I suddenly have all manner of things to say as soon as it was off limits? Yes.

Was I bored without it? No.

After all, there was a family wedding (Wesley's youngest sister was married on Saturday) and two dresses to sew for the occasion, a two- year- old in the throes of potty-training, four showers (you know, the celebration kind involving food and gifts!) many days of second grade, a field trip to a farmer's market with two sisters-in-law and a total of 8 children ages 8 and under, and lots of normal life things like putting chicken in the oven and taking it back out again, putting laundry in the washer and taking it back out out again, and getting into bed and right back out again.

I'd like to do justice to the month of October by writing more about it soon, but in the meantime, let me get back on track by introducing November's book of the month and we'll see what happens after that!

And now, ready for a special read?

A Witness to Joy, written by Simone Troisi and Cristiana Paccinithe, is the story of the life of Chiara Corbella Petrillo.

"At 28 years old, Chiara passed away, her body ravaged by cancer. The emotional, physical, and spiritual trials of this young Italian mother are not uncommon. It was her joyful and loving response to each that led one cardinal to call her a saint for our times.

Chiara entrusted her first baby to the blessed Virgin, but felt as though this child was not hers to keep. Soon, it was revealed her daughter had life-threatening abnormalities. Despite universal pressure to abort, Chiara gave birth to a beautiful girl who died within the hour. A year later, the death of her second child came even more quickly.

Yet God was preparing their hearts for more more sorrow and more grace.

While pregnant a third time, Chiara developed a malignant tumor, but refused the treatment that would save her, but that would have risked the life of her unborn son.

Almost immediately after giving birth to Francesco, Chiara's tumor became terminal and caused her to lose the use of her right eye. Her body was tested, and so was her soul as she suffered through terrible dark nights.

She said yes to everything God sent her way, becoming a true child of God. And as her days on earth came to an end, Enrico looked down on his wife and said, "If she is going to be with Someone who loves her more than I, why should I be upset?"

Each saint has a special charisma, a particular facet of God that is reflected through her. Chiara's was to be a witness to joy in the face of great adversity, the kind which makes love overflow despite the sorrow from loss and death."

Unfortunately, this book was not available through my local library, so I am buying the book. In the past, I have always worked hard to choose books that are readily available so that you can join me in reading them, and so that neither of us have to shell out any money for our own copy. This month, however, I looked and looked (both at the library and online) for a book that would fit the bill, but found nothing, although I did order in a few through interlibrary loan that may hold some promise for the future. When I saw A Witness to Joy on another blog, it caught my eye, even though I knew choosing it would mean a little different criteria than any of the other books I have chosen so far.

From what I am seeing, I am pretty sure it's going to be worth it.

To make up for some of the "inconvenience" I have two things in mind for this book:

1. Anyone who wishes, and who lives in my local area, may borrow it from me this month, under the condition that you read the book as quickly as possible and pass it along to the next person! I would also like to have it back in time for the review on the 24th (otherwise the person who is caught with it the day the review is due will have to write the review!!!)  If you are interested in borrowing the book from me, please let me know in the comments section below and the book will make its rounds in the order that it is requested!

2. After I review the book (on the 24th) I am going to hold a special giveaway for it, and mail/give  it to the winner to keep!

To all my faithful readers out there who have stuck with me through the past month of rather dry terrain, THANKS.

You're the reason it's good to be back, as well as the reason I hope this site is all the more worthwhile in the future.


  1. Yea! You're back! I'm fascinated by this choice - it looks inspiring and different from anything you've done so far.. Not sure that I'm close enough to qualify for the quick loan, so I'll have to put it on my to-read list.

  2. I'd love to read this book. I guess not every book can have a happy ending. Thanks, Joanna. " -Christa


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