The Reluctant Admirer

When it comes to fall, I often play the part of the pessimist.

Sidewalks slick with sludgy leaves? Check.

Dead flowers and bedraggled tomato plants. Uh-huh.

Early darkness and everlastingly cold feet. Yup, that would be fall.

And yet...

There is more to the story.

There are days like today when the sky dares you to come up with a prettier shade of blue, and the leaves on your neighbor's Japanese Maple look like fine-cut velvet.

There are days like today when the pumpkins and mums sitting around on front porch stoops actually look attractive, instead of just imposters replacing the marigolds.

There are days like today when the air describes the word mild and the temperature hovers right there in that perfect zone of comfort.

Maybe fall isn't such a bad idea after all?

On days like these, Fall redeems itself and gives pessimistic people like me the smallest of smirks.

"Lovely, aren't I?"

"Take this, thou lover of hot, muggy Summer!"

Ok. Ok. I surrender. Your beauty is my undoing and I stand amazed.

I take in gluttonous gulps of sunshine and feast at a table spread with the perfect palette of color.

If fall is going to offer up such lavish gifts to stuff into my treasure trove in preparation for winter's famine, why should I resist?

I will imbibe and stockpile with abandon.

I will be as the squirrel with it's cheeks stuffed full of nuts.

Even reluctant admirers can be won over with apple crisp and a new pair of cute slippers.

At least for one day.


  1. I know exactly what you mean! The glory of the season makes up for the muck and brown later.

  2. What an amazing fall this has been, at least in northern PA. We are surrounded, in early November, with trees that still retain their red and yellow leaves, with some crisp days and some downright warm days. (Students are calling them hot!) Glad to find you are slowly converting to being a fall lover - it's my favorite season. :)


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