Random Review- Installment 10, Operation Christmas Child

Now and then, it's fun to be a part of the making of a new tradition.

And when the new tradition is part an effort to send Christmas packages to children the world over, it makes it all the more worthwhile.

This year was actually the third year running that my family got together to pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas child. Those who are interested in participating choose how many boxes they want to fill and buy what they want to put in their boxes, then we get together to look at the collections, stuff our boxes to the gills, and talk about where our boxes might end up.

Ukraine? Syria? India? A tribe that never heard the Gospel before?

Operation Christmas Child gives wings to our gifts, and we can only dream of the delight behind the children's eyes as they unpack their goodies.

Perhaps the only Christmas gift they ever received?

Here are a few of the things that made their way into our boxes: a baby doll with a homemade blanket, stuffed sock monkeys and other soft animals, a school bus, little matchbox cars, a water bottle stuffed with candy, purses, sunglasses, a jump rope, flashlights, socks, underwear, beanie hats, t-shirts, bars of soap. washcloths, toothbrushes and toothpaste in travel pouches, pencils and sharpeners, erasers, colored pencils, crayons, glue sticks, tablets, stickers, watches, light-up balls, plastic flutes, soft fleece blankets, hand towels, hair brushes, and lots of candy!!!

In the end, we packed 15 boxes. This is a drop in the bucket next to the 11 million they hope to hand out, but it 's something, and I happen to know that in God's kingdom, something counts.

Traditions count for something, too, and it never hurts when they give excuse for fellowship with some of your favorite people and some really decent fall treats in the form of pumpkin cinnamon buns, apple bars, apple slices with caramel and peanut butter dip, and apple cider!

If you're looking for a new tradition for your family, I would encourage you to consider this! And if you choose to begin this year, there is still time! Collection dates are November 16-23.

Today when we were looking inside our packed boxes, Elasa had a parting word for the doll she packed inside her box, "Good-bye, Naomi. Have a safe trip!" 

As the boxes leave our home for the unknown, we send them out with prayers.

May they reach the children safely, bringing good news and great joy.


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